【富比世提供/Hana R. Alberts】
絡繹不絕的遊客紛紛前往最受歡迎的海灘勝地,如普吉島的芭東 (Patong) 海灘、巴里島的庫塔 (Kuta) 海灘、雪梨的邦迪 (Bondi) 海灘等等。在那些遊客寧願被曬傷也要前往的地方,就會存在燈紅酒綠的酒吧和價格高昂的餐廳。那麼,希望尋找尚未充分開發、安靜伸展沙灘的遊客有哪些選擇呢?
為了確定亞洲最美的海灘榜單,富比世組成了一支瞭解具體情況的專家小組,成員包括:在香港工作的攝影師 Graham Uden、雪梨的旅遊作家、攝影師 John Borthwick、在柬埔寨工作的海洋生物學家和環保顧問 Bart Kluskens、在泰國經營兩家酒店的 Anchalika Kijkanakorn、食品造型師、食譜作者和亞洲食品旅遊的領導者 Robert Carmack 以及承包小型團隊冒險旅遊的公司 Intrepid Travel 的 Eliza Anderson。他們的推薦幫助富比世彙編了22處頂級的海濱度假勝地。
諮詢公司美世的日內瓦研究人員 Marie-Laurence Sepede 表示:「這些城市在快速發展。在印度,隨著城市的發展,物價顯著上漲,越來越多的奢侈品牌進駐該市場。因此物價一直在上漲。馬尼拉、吉隆坡以及其他快速發展國家的城市亦是如此。」
毫無疑問,這些天堂般的地方有些較為偏遠,例如,蘇洛島 (Sulug Island) 是馬來西亞婆羅洲沿岸的東姑阿都拉曼海洋公園(Tunku Abdul Rahman Marine Park) 最隱蔽的地方。Intrepid Travel 的 Anderson 寫到:「這裡是典型的人跡罕至的海灘。到了這裡猶如到了天堂一般。走進這片海灘,在陰涼的『aru』樹下乘涼並在如水晶般潔淨的水下潛水,度過美好的時光。」
在旅遊行業剛剛興起發展的柬埔寨,一個名叫 Koh Rong Samleon 的島嶼贏得了 Klusken 的讚揚。他說:「它更為質樸、更為原始,因為只有過去幾年去的人才稍微多些。這裡有著美麗的珊瑚礁。島上有座森林,遊客可以步行穿越。它的美無與倫比。」
已經飽覽阿曼到寮國等國美麗景色的 Graham Uden 更喜歡印尼幾個安靜的景點,包括位於東爪哇的 Balekambang 海灘。他說:「在一個離岸邊20至30分鐘路程的小島上有著許多座印度教寺廟,你可以走過一座橋到達那裡。這裡平和而安靜,附近沒有任何酒店。」
在泰國經營兩家賓館同時擔任 Akaryn Hospitality Management Services 董事總經理的 Kijkanakorn 表示,離泰國皇室度假勝地華欣 (Hua Hin) 僅30公里車程的地方有一個叫做 Pranburi 的海灘。
即使在最受遊客青睞的地方,只要你善於發現,依然可以找到一些尚未開發的寶地。旅遊作家、攝影師 Borthwick 喜歡位於泰國 Koh Phayam 上的一個海灘 Aow Yai。Borthwick 說:「我從一個當地人那裡得知這個海灘。從 Ranong 坐一個小時的高速遊艇就能到達那裡。海灘面朝西,所以你每天都能欣賞到美麗的日落…緬甸南部最低的島嶼浮現在海平線上。大多數時候海水很平靜,這裡最多有200名遊客。」
即使是在遊客眾多的普吉島,Uden 建議遊客前往 Bang Thao 海灘,遠離人群。他說:「這裡位於北方,非常安靜而且擁有一些小的向海群島。在這裡,你不會看到數千位歐洲度假者躺在海灘上的景象。」
在越南著名的海灘度假地富國島 (Phu Quoc) 上,亞洲食品旅遊領導者 Robert Carmack 更喜歡一個特別的地方。那就是位於該島東南角的 Bai Sao 海灘,這裡因美味的食物和秀麗的景色獲得旅客的青睞。
Carmack 表示:「這裡有一些特別好的餐廳。越南當地人常常來這些地方就餐和娛樂。富國島的海水也特別溫暖…非常清澈透明,而且尚未被完全開發。至少目前是這樣。」
Perasi 海灘
Perasi 海灘
Balekambang 海灘
Balekambang 海灘
Tangalla Bay To Weligama
Bang Thao 海灘
中國海灘 (China Beach)
白色天堂海灘 (Whitehaven Beach)
Koh Adang
Aow Yai
泰國 Koh Phayam
Bentota Beach
Koh Rong Samleon
Bai Sao 海灘
Fraser Island
Te Pukatea Bay
紐西蘭亞伯塔斯曼國家公園 (Abel Tasman National Park)
Dong An 海灘
Tup Island
Otres 海灘
柬埔寨西哈努克港 (Sihanoukville)
原文:Forbes.com Asia's Best Beaches
【2010-06-27 富比世】
Dreamland Beach
Bali, Indonesia
"It's really entertaining," says Graham Uden, a photographer based in Hong Kong. "You can lie on a beautiful beach and watch all the surfers. There are restaurants there; sometimes it can be busy. There are rocks and cliffs down at either side."
Perasi Beach
Bali, Indonesia
"It's really off the beaten track," says Uden. "You have to drive down this long, winding road, right at the end of which you get a lovely secluded beach with cliffs at both ends, so it's kind of cut off. There are a couple of those Indonesian shack-like cafes where you can get a bit of food and drink if you need one, and there are lots of Balinese fishing boats."
Balekambang Beach
East Java, Indonesia
"It has a lot of Hindu temples on a little island 20 to 30 minutes offshore that you can walk to by a bridge," says Uden. "It's peaceful and quiet; there are no hotels anywhere near."
Hainan Island, China
"The best beach in China," Uden says. "It is tropical, lovely, with white sand and palm trees. ... I like to watch the mainland Chinese on holiday. ... You're watching people that go to the beach, and it's the first item they've ever been to the beach. Some of them, it's the first time they've ever seen sea water."
Tangalla Bay to Weligama
Sri Lanka
"Sri Lanka has beautiful beaches on its southwest coast, from the southern tip up towards Colombo," says Uden. "It's a beautiful coastline with rugged rocks, plus sandy beaches and coconut groves. There are fisherman that stand on poles. They stand there for hours, just fishing from these poles."
Bang Thao Beach
Phuket, Thailand
"I like that it's in the north, because it's quiet and it has these little offshore islands," Uden says. "It hasn't got thousands of European holiday-makers lying on the beach."
China Beach
Da Nang, Vietnam
"It's lovely and picturesque," says Uden of this strip of sand that extends from the Son Tra peninsula in the north down to the bespoke-clothes haven of Hoi An in the south. American soldiers would come here to rest and relax during the Vietnam War. Nowadays newer hotels and resorts have eclipsed its status as a backpacker haven.
Whitehaven Beach
Queensland, Australia
"It literally is white, and it's a World Heritage area and a national park. There are no structures at all on it," says John Borthwick, a Sydney-based travel writer and photographer. "You can't stay there--you can only visit with day trips. Exceptionally beautiful water and sand."
Sumba Island, Indonesia
"It's miles from anywhere, exotic and remote," Borthwick says. "There is one resort there, and the resort has the same name [Nihiwatu]. And there's excellent surf."
Koh Adang
One hour off of Thailand's Andaman cost, this island is one of 70 that make up Tarutao Marine Park. It boasts a diverse landscape of jungles, beaches and underwater reefs. Still relatively undeveloped, sea turtles swim ashore to lay their eggs in September and December. The island is also known for its snorkeling and scuba diving sites.
Aow Yai
Koh Phayam, Thailand
"I found out about it from a local. You get there by one-hour speedboat from Ranong," says Borthwick. "It faces west, so you've got a lavish sunset every day. ... the low islands of southern Burma floating off on the horizon. There is a tranquil sea most of the time. ... There are a couple hundred visitors at the most."
Bentota Beach
Southwest Sri Lanka
"What characterizes these beaches is that they are undeveloped, tranquil and remote," says Borthwick.
"It's in Sihanoukville province in Cambodia," explains marine biologist and conservation advisor Bart Kluskens. "There's lots of opportunity for nature lovers. For bird watchers, there are large areas of mangroves. It's a beautiful area. It's also an accessible area, because it's on the mainland, so it's easier to get there."
Koh Rong Samleon
"You have plenty of offshore islands," Kluskens says. "It's more pristine; it's more undiscovered, because it's only over the last few years that more people go here. There are beautiful coral reefs. There is a forest on the island that you can walk through. It's untouched."
"It's beautiful, it's wide, it's long and there's a beautiful fishing village nearby. You have little boats that you can go on and go squid fishing if you want, at 1 or 2 in the morning, and come back at 3 or 4. It's only for the adventurous souls," says Anchalika Kijkanakorn, who runs two hotels in Thailand and is managing director of Akaryn Hospitality Management Services. "It's the best beach for windsurfing. Good wind direction, not a lot of people, no coral underneath, no rocks to hurt yourself. ... In a way it's good for sailing, but there's no marina."
Bai Sao Beach
Phu Quoc Island, Vietnam
"On the southeast corner, it's pristine and beautiful," says Robert Carmack, a food stylist, cookbook author and leader of Asian food tours. "There are a couple of extraordinary restaurants. Local Vietnamese go there for restaurants and recreation…The water in Phu Quoc is so wonderfully warm...It's clear; it's underdeveloped. At least for now."
Fraser Island
Queensland, Australia
"Fraser Island is a wildlife-spotter's paradise, and visitors may spot all sorts of animals such as dingos, whales, turtles and sharks, as well as some amazing birds of prey such as ospreys, kites and white-bellied sea eagles. There's plenty of places to get wet, including the white sand beaches and numerous rock pools and creeks," writes Eliza Anderson of Intrepid Travel, an adventure tour operator for small groups.
Te Pukatea Bay
Abel Tasman National Park, New Zealand
"Te Pukatea Bay is as remote as they come. You can only reach it by foot or by kayak. I recommend approaching it by sea. There's a beautiful arc of sandy beach and crystal clear waters. It's the perfect place to enjoy a delicious and peaceful picnic," writes Anderson.
Dong An Beach
Hoi An, Vietnam
"Fifteen minutes on a bicycle from World Heritage-listed Hoi An and you are lazing under the coconut palms on a white fine sandy beach, sipping from a young green coconut," Anderson writes. "You can get the perfect mixture of culture and relaxation."
Tup Island
Krabi, Thailand
"A beautiful sandy strip between two limestone karst islands… turquoise water and only accessible by boat," Anderson writes "This is the new Phi Phi. After Leonardo DiCaprio made Phi Phi famous in the movie, 'The Beach,' everyone has been looking some that ideal Thai beach. Tup Island is picture-perfect."
Otres Beach
Sihanoukville, Cambodia
"Relaxing on a beach chair, hanging out with the local hawkers and eating crayfish tails and fresh fruit," Anderson writes. "Many travelers are starting to favor Sihanoukville as the 'New Thailand.' It's increasingly difficult to get off the beaten track in Thailand. ... People looking for the ideally Southeast Asian beach getaway, complete with great food and local color, find it here."
Sulug Island
Tunku Abdul Rahman Marine Park, Borneo, Malaysia
"This is the quintessential deserted beach. You can be forgiven for thinking you've found paradise. Borneo is growing in popularity," Anderson writes. "Get dropped off on this deserted beach and while away the hours under the shade of an aru tree and snorkel the crystal clear waters."